Ovvet: Gastric Control Gold

Gastric ulceration is a serious yet common condition that can affect any horse, at any age. The racehorse in training is particularly susceptible; studies show that 93% of this group suffer from stomach ulcers, yet the symptoms can be unspecific often with the horse showing no outward clinical signs. As a result they are frequently not recognised, therefore remain untreated. These symptoms are very similar to colic which remains the single largest cause of death in the equine industry. However, research shows that every horse, not just racehorses, will suffer with varying degrees of ulcers at most times of its life.

The treatment of this multi-faceted disease is fast emerging as one of the greatest challenges in contemporary equine medicine. Ovvet’s aim is to educate and inspire the equine industry to use a range of functional superfood products, which have been developed to help in achieving optimal intestinal activity and overall equine health.

Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome (EGUS) is erosion of the stomach lining, caused by constant exposure to gastric acid and spans a wide spectrum of severity, from inflammation of the epithelium (stomach lining) to perforation and bleeding. Diagnostic classification includes a point scoring system from 0 to 4, with 2 and above considered clinically significant.

A healthy gastro intestinal tract will positively affect a variety of functions in the horse and is key to its performance and wellbeing. Ovvet’s Gastric Control Gold is a clinically tested unique formula specifically designed for horses susceptible to colic or suffering from EGUS. 

Highly developed natural ingredients, including Fermaid®Ease 187 (strain 1077), organic mushroom compound, Levucell SC (a natural live yeast to assist digestion) and omega 3 provide anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving treatment, stabalising the pH value of the colon and giving genuine assistance in repairing the ulcerated tissue. Gastric Control Gold is rich in vitamin D, antioxidant and boosts the immune system.

Fermaid®Ease 187 (strain 1077) is the end product from the fermentation of high-quality soya flour with a certain lactic acid bacterium, L. delbrueckii, which stimulates macrophage and lymphocyte activity. In clinical trials at Newmarket, horses treated with Fermaid®Ease 187 (strain 1077) were found to have significant improvements in their clinical symptoms, with pain considerably reduced and in most cases, the absence of colic. Following pre-treatment with Omeprozal (for grades 3 and 4), there were considerably fewer recurring ulcers.

For more information on Gastric Control Gold and other products from Ovvet contact tel: 01604 874693 email: colin@ovvet.eu or visit www.ovvet.eu