Racing in Belgium

Words - Dr. Paull Khan

Belgium's Desert Orchid and French-trained Taupin Rochelais sail over the 'world's biggest water jump.' Credit: Photography Piet Eggermont Belgium.

The jumps track at the pristine little Flemish town of Waregem might just boast the shortest finishing straight in the world—the winning post being a matter of yards from the final bend. It is, however, the home of far and away the most valuable race in Belgium. The Grand Steeple-Chase of Flanders boasts a purse of €80,000 (€100,000 pre-COVID) and, August 30th will see the 154th renewal of this venerable 4,600-metre event.

“The race is part of the Crystal Cup,” explains course commentator Nicky de Frene, “thanks to the Gaverbeek—the largest water jump in the world at 6.5 metres—and the famous Irish Bank, which give this Steeple-Chase a little touch of a cross-country race. It’s recently attracted the attention of David Pipe and Jamie Snowden, but I fear that Brexit wasn’t a good thing for Waregem because of the extra travel costs.” 

Nowadays, the race is virtually the preserve of French connections (Although Germany can boast a couple of second places in recent years; and Kildagin did win it for Britain back in 1975). 

Nicky de Frene is in no doubt about its most remarkable winner. “In the last decade, we have seen the domination of the French trainer Patrice Quinton, who won the race 10 times in a row! That happened with five different horses, one of which was Taupin Rochelais, the near-white grey who won it four times running. At the time of his last victory, in 2018, he had to carry 76kg, (12 stone) and he beat a top-class horse from champion trainer Guillaume Macaire. That day, Waregem witnessed the highest-rated performance in its history.” 

“We’re not a racing nation…” continues de Frene, warming to his theme, “but he’s our version of Desert Orchid! I don’t know of a top handicap in the world with a winner of four successive renewals. Even Makybe Diva has just three Melbourne Cups; Red Rum, three Grand Nationals. So Taupin Rochelais deserves, in my opinion, eternal fame.”

However, the Grand Steeple Chase of Flanders is one of just four Belgian jumps races, all run on a single day at Waregem. Flat racing, by contrast, is held year-round. 

Belgian racing is, in fact, amongst the most open in the world. All of its races, including handicaps, are open to horses trained in all recognised nations. As long as an entry has a handicap mark in its home country, it will be assigned a mark in Belgium, which uses the same scale as in France.

Some 18% of last year’s runners were foreign-trained—the great majority from Germany, some from Holland and a smattering from France. Gone are the days when British trainers like Michael Jarvis made regular raids over to the seaside resort track at Ostend. This compares starkly with the number of foreign sorties made by Belgian-trained horses, which are almost as likely to run outside Belgium as within it.

Marcel De Bruyne, Belgium’s representative on the EMHF and director of the Belgian Galop Federation, explains the simple truth: “French racetracks are nearby, and the prize money at those favoured by Belgian trainers is more than double ours.”

Average prize money last year was some €4,700 per race, peaking at €12,800 for Ostend’s Grand Prix de Prince Rose, the country’s most prestigious flat race. It is named after the most celebrated Belgian-trained thoroughbred who ran third in the ‘Arc,’ went on to win the Gp. 1 Prix du President at Saint Cloud and become an important stallion—leading sire in France in 1946 and great grand-sire of Secretariat.

Neither can the pool of home-trained horses be said to be extensive, having fallen from 348 pre-COVID to just 318 last year. However, the fixture list which these horses are asked to sustain runs to just 30 meetings and 150 races; and this controlled offering certainly pays dividends as regards competitiveness. Field sizes would be the envy of many top-tier racing nations: 10.8 at Ostende, 10.6 at Waregem and 9.4 at Mons.

Let’s take a look at the country’s three racecourses:

  1. Mons: Two thirds of Belgium’s races are run at Mons, on the same type of All Weather track as can be found at Chantilly and Deauville, some 50km southwest of Brussels near the French border. A left-handed track of 1,200 metres’ circumference which favours front runners, particularly in the sprints, Mons’ Hippodrome de Wallonie races fortnightly from mid-September to the end of April, with a limited menu of five distances: 950m, 1,500m, 2,100m, 2,300m and 2,850m.

  2. Wellington Racecourse at Ostend: Belgium’s high-summer track, racing on turf every Monday, July through August. With a slight incline to the finish, races cover a full range of distances from 1,000m to 4,000m, either on the track’s 1,400m right-handed oval or its 1,000m straight.

  3. Waregem: Not far from Ghent, Waregem now offers four turf flat meetings in May and June, including the St Leger over 2,700m, to add to its flagship jumps day.

Nearly half the horses in training in Belgium are owner-trained. There are 18 professional trainers in the country. Jockeys are also in short supply: just 14 professional riders (with a further seven gentleman riders and seven lady riders. 

The long-term sustainability of thoroughbred breeding in the country is, however, a concern for De Bruyne. The country produced just 24 foals last year. “Belgian-bred thoroughbreds are becoming an endangered species because owners prefer to buy race-ready horses; and Belgian breeders often breed in France to be eligible for French breeders’ and owners’ premiums.” 

The backdrop against which Belgian racing is attempting to thrive is one of serious under-funding. It's only betting-based income stems from the very modest sums that are wagered by racegoers at its three courses and from bets placed into the French betting operator; PMU’s pools on 100 or so qualifying flat races—the so-called ‘Premium’ races. It is therefore heavily dependent upon this latter income stream. The sport derives no benefit whatsoever from the great bulk of relevant wagering—neither from bets placed by Belgian punters off-course (either in the 3,500 retail outlets or online)—whether on Belgian races or otherwise, nor by punters in other countries betting online on Belgian races (outside the PMU system).

Baron Philippe Casier—former president of the Belgian Jockey Club and a long-time advocate of statutory funding for the sport from betting thereon—describes two recent body-blows to this ambition. “Last year, a law introduced two years earlier, which required betting operators licensed in the country to enter into a funding agreement with racecourses, and which covered betting on both foreign and domestic races, was repealed before a single Euro had been handed over. And in 2018, a tripartite agreement that the Belgian tracks had struck with the PMU and international betting operators, through which common pool betting on the French system had, for a few years, resulted in healthy income for them, also ended.”

So, despite the numerous European Commission precedents, which have established the validity of statutory funding, there seems to be no current appetite for this within the Belgian national government, of which betting is a competency. Racing therefore must look to the largesse of regional governments. The Walloon region has been persuaded of the benefits of supporting this rural industry, and grants Mons a yearly operational subsidy. Hopes in Flanders, where there is currently no such support and into which Ostend and Waregem fall, rest with a proposal to establish a similar subsidy that is funded by raising the tax rate on online bets from 11% to the 15% that already applies to other betting. Despite these impediments, optimism remains, and perhaps we should leave the last reflections to Guy Heymans, Belgium’s chair of the European Trainers Federation: “Because of the repression we had in Belgian racing, a lot of owners stopped owning racehorses. And lots of those who kept on started training their horses themselves. That’s why we have a lot of owner/trainers in Belgium and why there are only a few professional trainers left”.

Racing in Belgium is no longer on a regular basis, as it used to be—there is now a race meeting only approximately every fortnight. But Ostend and Waregem are becoming very popular with the general public, with thousands of spectators at those meetings. For an owner it’s a real pleasure to win a race at one of these meetings with such crowds and all that cheering!

“Belgium is a very interesting place to have horses in training. First of all there is the geographical location: we have easy access to a lot of French and German racetracks (e.g., Paris within only three hours’ drive). Secondly, the trainers have excellent facilities—some of them private, others based on the racetrack in Mons.

Furthermore, the cost of putting a horse in training is cheaper than in our neighbouring countries. That makes it an interesting proposition for foreign owners to put horses into pre-training with a Belgian trainer.

“Belgian racing has been evolving positively over recent years. We hope that this trend will continue in such a way that new and old owners will find their way to the sport.”




News from the EMHF - the pandemic’s effects on Europe’s smaller racing nations and their trainers

EMHF COPY FOR EUROPEAN TRAINER JULY-SEPTEMBER 2020 ISSUETHE PANDEMIC’S EFFECTS ON EUROPE’S SMALLER RACING NATIONS AND THEIR TRAINERSThere is no racing nation that has escaped the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The impact on the major racing power…

By Dr. Paull Khan

There is no racing nation that has escaped the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The impact on the major racing powers, in Europe and beyond, has been well chronicled. Racing industries in France, Great Britain and Ireland have all taken a significant financial hit with the period of forced inactivity. But what has been the experience of the smaller countries, with lesser financial resources with which to buffer themselves? Here we look at the situation in six countries—Belgium, Greece, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland and Slovakia—to try to get a sense of what the coronavirus crisis has meant for their racing generally and their trainers in particular. And what we see is a highly variable picture; while for some the impact—at least to date—has been mild, and there is confidence around the long-term prospects for the sport. For others, it has threatened the very existence of horseracing in the country.

The six countries between them boast just 228 trainers: 135 professionals and 93 amateurs. In several cases, the number of horses in the entire country falls short of those in a single large yard in Britain, France or Ireland. They average fewer than 10 horses in training each.

The importance of international competition is noteworthy. Of our six countries, only Greece operates pretty much as ‘an island’, with Greek-trained horses making few forays abroad, and no foreign-trained raiders entering its races. The rest are not self-sufficient. They rely on (i) races in neighbouring countries in which their horses can take part and/or (ii) horses from neighbouring countries bolstering the numbers in their own races to provide competitive sport. This is why COVID-related restrictions on international travel have been a key concern.  


Belgium’s three racetracks—at Mons, Ostend and Waregem—normally stage some 170 races per year. The cessation of racing started on March 5th and, at time of writing, a resumption behind closed doors was hoped for at the end of June. It will not be possible to reschedule all the races, and a reduction in opportunities of some 40% is expected.

Belgian trainers already rely, to a large extent, on supplementing race opportunities at home with those abroad—predominantly making raids across their southern border to France—to which over 80% of foreign raiders are directed. France’s closure to foreign runners therefore represented a significant blow. 

Some owners transferred their horses to France when French racing resumed ahead of that in Belgium, but the damage was limited to seven horses. 

Marcel De Bruyne, racing director at the Belgian Galop Federation, looks forward with optimism for a recovery next year: “I think and surely hope that 2021 will look like 2019, but our industry depends, to the tune of some 85% of revenues, on French premiums, (via the PMU). When they return to operating as in 2019, we will probably too”.  


Konstantinos Loukopoulos

Konstantinos Loukopoulos

Racing at Greece’s only racecourse, Markopoulo near Athens, was halted on March 14th and at time of writing it was hoped the cessation would be limited to three months. This crisis has come at a time when the Greek racing industry was pulling itself out of a slump which threatened its closure. A dozen years ago, the number of horses in training servicing racing was buoyant, at 1500. But by 2015 the tally had slumped to a scarcely-viable 250. This figure is critical to Greek racing since it has yet to attract foreign runners and relies entirely on local horses to populate its race fields. By 2019, through concerted efforts, numbers had recovered to 420, and prospects looked good. Konstantinos Loukopoulos is racing manager at Horse Races S.A., the company which holds 20-year pari-mutuel betting rights and the right to organise races in the country. He explains: “Unfortunately, the COVID-19 crisis hit us at the moment of our growth, as more than 170 new horses had come to Greece after our relaunch in 2019; and our newly introduced ratings-based handicapping system had started to work out well”.

“Our original schedule for 2020 was for 360 races (53% more than 2019). However, due to the period of closure, we will lose many races. In order to partly recover the loss, we will provide the option for up to 10 races per fixture, at least for the first month. Our goal is to give as many opportunities as possible to horses to get a run”.

Greece has mirrored the approach of many larger racing nations when determining where the axe of prize money cuts should fall. Those at the bottom end of the scale will escape, while the top races will see cuts of 13%-20%.

“Our races are open to all runners from abroad and we welcome any owner/trainer who wants to come and run in Greece. For our 2000 Guineas, Derby and Oaks there is a provision that the horses must be in Markopoulo 40 days prior to the race. For trainers that want to come for a specific period of time, we have in place incentives; and we can make, also, ad hoc facilitations, covering for example stabling costs.”

How does Loukopoulos view prospects for racing in his country? “We all are in uncharted waters and guessing is risky”, he answers. “I would say that one of the biggest issues that faces all racing industries—and especially the small ones—is the uncertainty that comes with COVID-19. Having said that, our major concern is the impact on the economy and the forecast for a recession of ~10%. Therefore, we may face a pause to the positive trend we created last year. On the other hand, I have to mention that Greek racing is now in better shape than in previous years”.

This is a view shared by Harry Charalambous, chair of the Greek Professional Trainers Association for Racehorses: “It’s been very hard for Greek racing. In 2019 we were shut for five months” (while disputes over administrative power were playing out), “and now we’re three and a half months closed with COVID. But things were going really well early this year, with 10 races and 80-100 runners per meeting, and I think we will get over it pretty quick”.


The Dutch gallop racing sector is, on most measures, the smallest of our six countries. In common with several other European countries, it has but the one remaining racecourse, but what sets it apart is the fact that only 35 gallop races are staged at Duindigt in a normal year. The importance to trainers and owners of race opportunities abroad is as keenly felt in Holland as anywhere. 

The situation for its eight professional and 20 amateur trainers could have been described as somewhat precarious even before the ravages of COVID-19. Sad, therefore, that the degree of disruption caused by the virus has been greater here than in most countries. Racing was stopped on March 15th and, as of early June, there is still no clear indication of a resumption date, with local and national governments taking different views as to the risks involved.

Racing at Holland’s sole gallop track at Duindigt.

Racing at Holland’s sole gallop track at Duindigt.

Camiel Mellegers, racing secretary of the Dutch racing authority Stichting Nederlandse Draf- en Rensport (SNDR), predicts half of this year’s planned races will be run in the remainder of the season (for, as a consequence, half of the prize money). “This is as far as we can tell at the moment. Rescheduling will be a discussion to be had after we have re-started racing and as a result that might change in a positive way”. …


July - September 2020, issue 70 (PRINT)